Learn to photograph your own artwork
Some artists choose to take their work to a professional photographer to obtain perfectly lit, high-resolution images suitable for printed advertising and web or email use. Others prefer the do-it-yourself approach. Whichever method you choose, the goal is to achieve professional results. If you're wanting to improve your own DIY efforts, read on! On Tuesday evening November 17 from 6-7 pm, I'll present a one-hour lecture and demonstration to introduce my methods for photographing artwork. This ArtBiz Atelier event is hosted by Blueschool Arts in Clinton WA (Whidbey Island), and is free to the public. The goal of this event is to give an overview of the upcoming hands-on workshop to those wishing to develop their own photography workflow, or for those who wish to learn more about getting started photographing their own work, scheduled for Saturday December 5 from 10am-2pm. Pre-registration is required for the hands-on workshop and the deadline to register is 11/25. Cost for the workshop is just $65. The introductory lecture is free. The ArtBiz Atelier offers a series of six progressive and monthly workshops (Nov 2015 through May 2016) for the business-savvy visual artist. Workshops can be taken individually, however the full series offers a well-rounded training program to help artists improve their reach and success in the world of art shows, funding and sales. The final event, in May 2016, offers artists the opportunity to present their work to a local, supportive audience in a special live presentation. Won't you join us? • Photographing Your Artwork - Nov/Dec • Artist Statements and Bios - Dec/Jan • Applications & Grantwriting - Jan • Develop Your Personal Brand - Feb • Portfolio Development - Mar • Artist Talks - Apr • Public Artist Presentations - May Visit the Blueschool Arts website for dates, details and to register. Comments
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